Monday, December 12, 2016

GuidedSMILE – The Digital All-On-4 Solution

Offices involved with full-mouth, implant-supported cases should consider GuidedSMILE. Although most All-On-4 type cases are predominantly completed free-hand, there is a growing regard for a CBCT guided solution. GuidedSMILE, a proprietary and complete surgical package, can reduce surgical time to a third of the conventional non-guided approach, while improving accuracy.

The GuidedSMILE package includes bone reduction, osteotomy, and abutment guidance, and pre-converted PMMA provisional, all anchored using the same bone-pin sites. GuidedSMILE follows ROE’s classic CT planning work-up. Utilizing a CBCT scan and master casts, ROE digitally transforms the patient, proposing a new ideal tooth arrangement and implant locations. During a pre-surgical, scheduled web conference, implant locations are finalized, and necessary surgical and restorative components are discussed. The surgery is very straightforward. GuidedSMILE applies a 4-guide process. Guide One sets the pins with which all three subsequent guides are anchored. This unique pin-guide is the key to ensuring the subsequent guides and provisional are accurately seated. Once it is removed, the teeth are extracted and the second guide is anchored for precise bone reduction. Guide Three directs the drills for angulation and depth. Then, abutments and temporary cylinders are placed. Guide Four is the PMMA provisional that is luted to the cylinders and picked up for quick, final adjustment. The unique system allows the last three guides to be seated using the pins only, meaning the guide itself floats above the bone for ease of seating. This is particularly helpful with the bone reduction guide.

In our experience, following many hundreds of All-On-4 cases, both traditional and digital, GuidedSMILE is the best method of delivering accurate prosthetics the same day of surgery. We are excited to share this technique with you. Please call to discuss GuidedSMILE.

Teeth Chatter: Wanted: Implant Case Information

With so many implant companies exhibiting similar and even duplicate interfaces, providing implant specs couldn’t be more important than it is today. We ask that you please include the manufacturer, brand, and platform, and any other pertinent information for each implant submitted to the laboratory. An easy method of communicating this vital information on new placements is to include a copy of the letter that is generally sent from the specialist. Our experienced staff does an excellent job of identifying systems. However, this information will ensure we begin each case with the correct impression posts, a somewhat frequent error. Without detailed implant specifics, cases may be compromised. Thank you in advance for including this information with the work authorization.

FDA 510K Cleared Titanium Custom Abutments

Several years ago we undertook the painstaking steps to implement an FDA style quality management system specifically designed for dental laboratories called DAMAS. With this in place, we were able to strategically partner with a Swiss company to become FDA Cleared as a Class II medical device manufacturer for milling titanium abutments. Our classification and special partnership bring a very high level of compliance, precision, and peace-of-mind.
Custom Abutment Blank / Digital Scan Body

Custom abutments have been a ROE standard for more than a decade. What does 510K Cleared mean for you? Doctors want options when restoring implants, with more versatility than stock parts. 510K Cleared means your abutments have been designed, milled, and inspected according to a strict protocol. Our partner ensures that the interface specs are within the original implant manufacturer’s guidelines, and ROE ensures the patient’s needs are meet with an anatomical abutment design.

510K clearance is unique for dental laboratories. There are a few milling centers in the USA with this status, but very few dental laboratories. With regard to timeliness, cost control, and quality, this solution provides our clients with significant advantages. Of course we do, and will continue to, provide OEM stock parts. Simply indicate your preference on the work authorization. If you have digital impressions and would like to transmit your cases to us digitally, precision $39 scan bodies are available for all popular systems. We also accept exchanges on other system’s scan bodies for a discounted trade-in price of $29 each.

DigiDenture – An Economy Digital Denture that Yields Outstanding Prosthetics

As an Avadent and PALA partner laboratory, with over three years of providing digital dentures, we strongly believe in the development of computer-aided design for full dentures, and feel this is the future standard practice. So far, in lieu of the premium price, the results have been very good. To improve upon this technology, ROE has unveiled a new, amazing product called DigiDenture, which employs conventional records, to deliver a high-quality, efficiently-created denture, with an economy denture price.

DigiDenture, with economy teeth, provides a perfect solution for affordable dentures. It begins with conventional bite blocks, rather than the tedious Gothic Arch tracers of the aforementioned systems. Our system uses traditional bite blocks and master casts. Once the records are scanned and become virtual, ROE creates an amazingly accurate digital set-up and a fully printed, white resin denture for the try-in. Tooth position, bite, and fit are verified or adjusted as needed at the dental office and returned for final processing. The final product includes premium processing with Ivocap and plastic teeth. The savings is realized by the laboratory fabricating the CAD white denture, in place of the labor-intensive, manual set-up process.

If you are wondering how the patient will react to trying-in a white denture, put your worries at ease. After completing thousands of white resin try-ins, Kulzer Dental found patients focus more on the fit, tooth position, comfort, and suction of the prosthetic rather than the color. Tooth cards, containing the actual teeth selected, are provided for this appointment to share with the patient.

If you provide dentures for patients who are limited by government or insurance remuneration, we highly encourage you to try this product - an outstanding denture at a great price. 

Next-Gen TLZ Zirconia Superior Hygiene & Wearability

Today, the vast majority of posterior crowns fabricated in the United States by major laboratories are composed of fully-milled zirconia. This staggering shift in materials is trumped only by the fact that research shows there is a much better method of finishing zirconia surfaces. Since early 2014, when we hosted Rella Christensen RDH, PhD, to discuss wearability studies on monolithic zirconia, there has been revealing evidence that highly-polished zirconia is far superior to a glazed surface. Polished zirconia is so smooth that one is challenged to even pick up a crown without gloves. And, unlike glaze, this glassy, hygienic surface prevents plaque, rendering it much more biologically friendly.

Studies have shown polished zirconia surfaces are also kinder to opposing dentition than abrasive, glazed surfaces. And, once the glaze is worn, exposed rough zirconia is even more unkind to opposing teeth. Polished crowns, according to TRAC Research, retain their polished state as natural wear occurs. Polished also exhibits improved translucency and esthetics, as the transmission of light is unobscured.

Today, all ROE monolithic TLZ crowns are polished. We are excited to be leading the way with this improved modality. We know you will notice the difference on your next TLZ case.