When a partially edentulous case presents, and the coronial
aspect of a tooth has been or will be lost, before removing the tooth root you
may want to consider a tooth-borne attachment.
Using the root to retain an attachment, similar to how an implant is
placed, is a conservative alternative, and can be accomplished using a Micro
Era from Sterngold, or Locator or Zaag from Zest Anchors.
The technique is somewhat sensitive. To achieve optimal results
we suggest discussing the design with us in advance of the preparation
appointment. How you prepare the tooth and canal differs depending upon the
attachment selection and which technique is chosen to create the impression and
indirect, telescopic attachment. It is usually best to minimize the height of
the attachment, allowing space for the prosthesis. In fact, when vertical
dimension is limited it may be advantageous to use a direct-technique,
eliminating the cast coping and bonding the attachment directly to the tooth
structure and canal. With proper planning, this type of case design can be a
great service to your patients.