Monday, December 14, 2015

MiniComfort - “Best Brux Guard Ever Made”

Wearing Her MiniComfort
MiniComfort, a U.S. Patented product, is the outcome of a six-year research and development project by Dr. John C. Kline DDS, a practicing dentist of 40 years, who used both his practical experience and personal observations to create a different kind of bruxism appliance. MiniComfort sets a new standard for comfort and fit while protecting the teeth and decreasing symptoms. ROE is pleased to have been selected as the exclusive U.S. manufacturer of MiniComforts.

MiniComfort is a mandibular, self-seating, zero-adjustment, deprogramming device, light and flexible, that does not protrude from the lips. It can be worn day or night and will simply amaze your patients, particularly those who currently wear a traditional splint or NTI appliance. Due to its very thin design, it will not interfere with a person’s speech or appearance. 

Almost Invisible - no speech issues!
The secret to MiniComfort is two discluding elements (rigid 4-6mm therapeutic bands), which are placed just behind the canines to keep the teeth separated at a patient’s normal freeway space. The Elements deprogram by minimizing the patient’s bite force, similar to an NTI appliance, preventing the patient from fully occluding, and thereby maintaining a comfortable position. Due to this deprogramming design, wearing the appliance at night contributes to less clenching during the day. When worn during the day, the appliance is almost undetectable. As with any partial coverage appliance, it is important that the patient be instructed to wear the appliance only for a portion of the 24-hour day, at your discretion, depending on the stability of the patient’s dentition.

Dr. John Kline’s extensive research, patent trials and use of MiniComfort reveal:

• Almost 100% of participants in the study adopted use of the MiniComfort and continued to wear it because of its comfort and undetectability

• 98% of participants were pleasantly surprised with the excellent fit

• Participants were asked to wear MiniComfort during waking hours including work and social situations. Nearly all of the participants reported satisfaction with day time performance

• Participants who suffered from headaches reported a drastic reduction in the frequency and severity

• Upon examination, participants who wore MiniComfort on a daily basis had no damage to their teeth related to clenching or grinding

• A MiniComfort should last between 12 to 36 months, depending on the user’s severity of clenching and/or grinding

MiniComfort affords the dental practice a self-seating, five-minute-appointment appliance. Because the two therapeutic bands are the only points of occlusal contact, adjustment is a thing-of-the-past. Once seated, the appliance forms a hydro seal over the dentition and mucosa, providing very good retention and comfort. Auxiliary staff can manage the seating appointment.
2 Discluding Therapeutic Elements 

MiniComfort also offers two more unique advantages, an Instant Wear guarantee and a digital record for easy reorder. Due to the nature of the appliance, MiniComfort is designed to be replaced periodically. For this reason, we include a second complimentary appliance (Instant Wear guarantee). We also digitally archive each case to simplify the reorder appointment. Allowing appliance to be reordered without taking another impression, provided the patient’s dentition has not changed.

Order MiniComfort for your next patient suffering from bruxing, clenching, headaches and TMD. If for any reason you and your patient are not thrilled with the appliance, a conventional appliance will be made at no charge.

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